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Energee Office Admin

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Since Home Energy Rating System (HERS) raters and Acceptance Test Technicians Certification Program (ATTCP) technicians test and inspect energy efficient equipment installed in buildings ( they fall under the category of inspector as defined by CDPH below:

"Construction Workers who support the construction, operation, inspection, and maintenance of construction sites and construction projects (including housing construction)."

All workers are instructed to follow the public health guidelines issued by CDPH and local public health officials, including social distancing and staying home when sick to protect those they serve, their coworkers, and themselves ( As efforts to control the spread of the virus continue, state and local officials are regularly updating their directives and guidance. Because a person can be infected with novel coronavirus without exhibiting any symptoms, the CEC advises technicians and raters not to enter homes or buildings in which sensitive populations are, except under emergency situations. When possible, delay of HERS and ATTCP inspections, testing or field verification is recommended until such time as the orders are lifted. To learn more about the latest COVID-19 response measures and directives in your area, contact your local building and public health departments.

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